Year 4 Curriculum
Here you can find all of the information you need for this year. If there is anything you cannot find, please do not hesitate to let us know! You can contact us via message on the SeeSaw App!
Read our Project Maps:
Term 1 Project Map
Reading is incredibly important for children and in Year 4 we promote a love of books. Therefore, books will be given out every Thursday and need to be brought back in on the following Tuesday. Children need to read their book with an adult and be able to talk about it before bringing it in to swap for another book. This allows children to improve their comprehension skills. Their reading record needs to be signed by an adult and an adult or the child needs to comment on the book. This allows us to see what books children are reading, and if they are enjoying them! It also helps us with recommendations for your children.
There is spelling homework being sent home on Fridays to be returned on Thursdays.
Children should also be able to spell the Year 3 Common Exception Words.
Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words
It is an expectation that your child plays on Hit the Button to help them prepare for the Year 4 Multiplication test. There are many other online free maths games for children to use to improve their times table and division knowledge alongside this. Occasionally, times table homework will be given out, this will help to cement their times table knowledge.
Additional Home Learning links: