Gloucester Road Primary School

Gloucester Road
Nursery & Primary School

Starting School

We understand that starting school is a major event for you and your child and we aim to make this transition as stress-free as possible. We want to make starting school a special time by getting to know your child in a relaxed, caring environment.

The Reception year is the final year of the Foundation Stage. The Foundation Stage year is about well-planned play activities to develop all areas of the curriculum. There is a balance of teacher and child initiated activities. There are set times of the day where the children are involved in planned activities to develop the early learning goals, they are then given the opportunity to develop these independently during child initiated supported play. Much of the planned activities are linked to the key topic for the half term. 

The first theme that the children will encounter at school is "Once Upon a Time." The children will learn all about traditional stories such as;

  • The Three Little Pigs
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • The Gingerbread Man
  • The Enormous Turnip
  • The Little Red Hen
  • Little Red Riding Hood

They will do this through their Literacy, Maths, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, PE and Dance and Creative Development and Knowledge and Understanding of the World.

Sound Write

Before reading develops they need to be able to pronounce the letter sounds correctly so that they can blend sounds together to make words. We use Sound Write in the classroom because child find it fun and it suits a wide variety of learning styles.

Reading Books

Every day the children have the opportunity to share a book with you from the reading corner during the session the child picks a story to take home and share with you at home. It is lovely for you to share and talk about the story.

School Meals

Children in Reception are entitled to the Universal Free School Meal. Parents will be given a menu for your child to look at and discuss. However, some children may like to bring a lunchbox to school which is acceptable please ensure that all lunchboxes are labelled with your child’s name.

Free School Milk

Children under 5 are also entitled to free school milk and this can be bought every week after their 5th Birthday.  

Parent Helpers

We try to encourage a strong link between home and school. Some of the things that parents can help with include hearing children read, helping with art lessons, cooking or coming to talk about their jobs. We also welcome parents on school trips.

Child Initiated

The children are entitled to use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during child initiated time therefore during the winter we advise that they are sent to school with a warm hooded coat, hats, scarves and gloves (all clearly named). In the summer they will need a school summer cap.