Gloucester Road Primary School

Gloucester Road
Nursery & Primary School



English Pictures

pictures showing the English Curriculum

Reading (including Phonics)

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 

Phonics Progression of Skills and Knowledge 


 Reading Policy 

 Reading Progression of Skills and Knowledge 


At Gloucester Road Primary School, reading is the beating heart of everything we do. Both our Early and DEEP curriculums are centred on reading high-quality texts, which have a rich vocabulary and offer either a window or a mirror onto our children's lives. The texts we choose drive our curriculum and are carefully selected from a bespoke reading spine that we have carefully put together to meet the needs of our children. This reading spine initially used the best texts from Pie Corbett's reading spine, the ‘Reading Reconsidered’ reading spine, the Reading Teacher’s = Reading Pupils project (Cheltenham Literature Festival) and the Literacy Tree learning platform. However, we are now enriching this reading spine with choices from our staff (as experts on children's literature) and our children. In this way, our approach to reading helps children grow ideas, expand their minds and develop a real love of reading. 

We believe that every child should leave school as literate learners who have a passion for reading for pleasure. We aim to do this by providing children with the following:


Reading Interventions

When children are not reading at a level inline with the expectations for their year group we are quick to put interventions in place to help and support them to make accelerated progress with their reading. Some of the interventions we provide are:


 Writing Policy

 Writing Progression of Skills and Knowledge 

Writing Genre Map 


Writing in EYFS

Our provision ensures that emergent writing in the Early Years is regularly encouraged through the use of different mark making materials such as felt tipped pens, crayons, chalk, sand, magnetic letters, paints, water and technology such as iPads.

Our phonics scheme is introduced in the Summer term of Nursery. As children move into Reception, writing opportunities will be linked to children’s learning within phonics and the text that the class is basing all of their learning around. This text will be rich in vocabulary, high quality and offer either a window or mirror on the world. The writing that comes from these texts will be linked to experiences to bring it to life and make meaningful connections to other learning and areas of their life. Concrete experiences will enhance children’s emergent writing skills.

Role play provides additional opportunities for the development of writing and language. Activities are carefully planned to develop the children’s fine and gross motor skill, necessary for acquiring the skills needed to write legibly.

Once the children have developed their phonetic knowledge enabling them to write more independently, we aim to introduce the Literacy Tree framework in the Summer term.


Writing in Key Stage One and Two

 We use a range of teaching approaches to help develop children’s writing, including:


Our curriculum coverage follows the National Curriculum 2014 and ensures that a range of text types are taught from Years 1 to 6.  During each term, we teach poetry, non-fiction and narrative text types – please see our Writing Curriculum Map for more information on this.

Oral rehearsal strategies are used regularly, particularly in the younger year groups, as we strongly believe, “If you can say it, you can write it.”  We work closely with Voice 21 (the national oracy charity) to develop oracy opportunities across the curriculum to support children with this.



Spelling Policy 

Handwriting Policy 

 Handwriting Progression of Skills