Gloucester Road Primary School

Gloucester Road
Nursery & Primary School

Equality and Diversity


Race Equality and anti-racist education

At Gloucester Road Nursery and Primary School we are committed to promoting race equality and delivering anti-racist education.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement sets out our pledge to ensure all children, families and staff members are represented and valued. 

Our anti-racism commitment is an important and specific pledge to being  proactively anti-racist in three main ways:

  1. Advocating for allyship 
  2. Challenging biases that shape actions and decisions 
  3. Empowering children with knowledge about systemic racism and how to combat it

Continual Commitment

We know that the work of anti-racism must be sustained over time. Part of our commitment is to continually respond to and participate in meaningful change. For this reason, our objectives will be reviewed regularly and new objectives may arise as we respond to emerging needs in our community. 

We commit to ensuring that:

Staff training and development includes how to be anti-racist.

Our PSHE curriculum and wider curriculum actively combats racial stereotypes. 

Lessons on racism, allyship and anti-racism are additional to our core curriculum.

We listen and learn by conducting pupil, staff and family voice surveys with questions directly related to racism.


Additional Curriculum Coverage resources

Anti-racism policy and documents

To be a truly anti-racist school, anti-racist framing must permeate all areas of school life. Our anti racism policy references a specific approach to incidents of racism and incidences related to race discrimination. Our curriculum has been designed to include a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Our approach to monitoring and evaluating pupil attendance, attainment and progress includes analysis by race to ensure that we respond to any gaps with reflections on cause and actions to take. 

Talking to pupils about race and racism 

At Gloucester Road, we share a belief that knowledge and understanding is power. Knowledge of systemic racism empowers all of our children, to advocate for their own rights and to be allies in the fight against racism by:

  • Having regular conversations about racism – not one-off or infrequent mentions
  • Talking to our children of all ages about race and racism
  • Challenge stereotypes and prejudices without judgement
  • Encourage children to ask questions
  • Being honest about racism in Britain – past and present

Our staff team is trained in understanding the effect of unconscious bias and the need for an anti-racist approach. Training and resources support members of staff to have sensitive conversations about race and racism, with a shared understanding of key terms.

Responding to incidents of racism and race-related incidents

Racist incidents at Gloucester Road are rare and always recorded. We review and analyse incident reports to spot patterns or trends that require direct action or further investigation. We maintain the highest possible vigilance and do not take an ‘it doesn’t happen here’ approach. We understand that children are learning and that microaggressions and comments based on stereotypes and misconceptions about different races are likely to occur. How we respond to these is crucial, so that all children are protected and that incidents result in learning that translates into future actions. 

Our approach:

Always hear and validate

Nurture and support those who are affected

Teach perpetrators the impact and risk of their actions and how to make amends

Inform parents and carers so support and learning can continue at home