Gloucester Road Primary School

Gloucester Road
Nursery & Primary School

Personal Development

At Gloucester Road we intend to support pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life.  We teach pupils how to build their confidence and resilience and support pupils in preparing for their adult lives by teaching them to understand how to engage with society and providing them with plentiful opportunities to do so.

We do this by:

  • Scheduling theme weeks such as mental Health week, Money Week, anti-bullying week and opportunities to learn about Internet Safety throughout the year to shine a spotlight on these areas of personal development.
  • Developing pupil's understanding of responsibility through pupil leadership teams that include: Attendance Ambassadors, Eco Councillors, Pupil Governors,  Sports, Play Leaders, Peer Mentors, Value Champions and Young Interpreters. These teams influence strategic and operational decisions in school. 
  • Subscribing to My Happy Mind with the aim to  give children the preventative strategies, skills and tools they need to thrive in the modern world and keep themselves mentally healthy. 
  • Parent access to My Happy Mind. See information video myhappymind
  • Ensuring our RSE and online safety curriculum enables pupils to develop pupils’ age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships, recognise online and offline risks to their well-being, and enables pupils to recognise the dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social media.
  • Ensuring our PSHE, Science and P.E curriculums supports pupils’ understanding of how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle.

  • Offering ample opportunities for pupils to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities.



British Values

At Gloucester Road Nursery and Primary School, we feel that the promotion of British values is an integral part of our curriculum and ethos, underpinned by the school vision. The five core strands of British Values are reinforced in a number of ways throughout our school and its curriculum.


As part of our British Values, the whole school are focusing on democracy as an ongoing value. Pupils make choices through our suggestion box, voting jars, and pupil leadership teams.

Our school values incorporate what it means to be a British citizen. Each term we focus on a different value, talking about it in class circle times, PSHE and assemblies.

When pupils demonstrate a value, they are recognised through the school's reward system.   

Our map in the school Hall shows all the different countries our community represent including the languages we speak in.  

Rule of Law

Our school values and rules support children to understand the rule of law. We also work closely with our PCSO and School Beat officers to strengthen pupil knowledge and relationships with those enforcing criminal law.

Our restorative practice approach aligns closely with Restorative Gloucestershire's aims to prevent conflict, build relationships and repair harm by enabling people to communicate effectively and positively. Restorative practice is increasingly being used in schools, children’s services, workplaces, hospitals, communities and the criminal justice system. Restorative practice can involve both a proactive approach to preventing harm and conflict and activities that repair harm where conflicts have already arisen.

Our Pupils are offered the opportunity to take part in a mock court each year.

Respect and Tolerance

We promote respect and tolerance through our school rules (Ready, respectful, Safe). We ensure that we give out first attention to those children demonstrating the school rules. Our Values Relationships, Ambition and Responsibility are focused on in school assemblies where we teach the children what these values mean using stories. We hold a Picture News assembly each week that covers current affairs and helps to reinforce the British Values. We are lucky enough to be a diverse community and are able to share stories in many languages, we also invite a variety religious leaders in to deliver assemblies.

Individual Liberty

We ensure that children are aware of the UN Convention of Rights of the child and our curriculum allows for teaching and discussions around how the rights of a child differs across the world. 

Protective Characteristics

We promote an inclusive environment where we ensure all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people.  We pride ourselves on a Personal Development curriculum that teaches the importance of uniqueness and celebrating differences which can often be found in the protected characteristics. 

The Equality Act 2010, identifies the ‘protected characteristics’ as: 

  • age; 
  • disability; 
  • gender reassignment; 
  • pregnancy and maternity; 
  • race; 
  • religion or belief; 
  • sex; 
  • sexual orientation. 

Our approach to teaching of the protected characteristics, allows us as a school to: 

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation; 
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; 
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. 


Academic Year 2023/2024


peace groups

As a school that supports restorative practice approaches to develop pupils self regulation tools, we champion peace makers and peace keepers and want to support our children to support one another in taking on these roles.

To emphasise this we vertically group the school 4-5 times a year, so children from Y1-Y6 can coach and mentor one another around a given theme. This year we have focussed on the following themes. 

Session 1: A focus on relationships, regulation tools (The Zones of Regulation) and restorative approaches.

Session 2: Focus on Protected Characteristics.

Session 3: Ambition

Session 4: Responsibility

Session 5: Changes

Each group has a patron that has been instrumental in peace making and peace keeping. Our current patrons are:

Mrs. Gayle Fletcher who launched the restorative approach at Gloucester Road

Mr. Terence Bevington who has been practising restoratively for 12 years. His experience of working strategically with schools and other organisations is extensive and, through his PhD studies. He has published and presented on his practice and research. He is an expert in the field of evaluating the use of restorative practice.

Malala Yousafzai, who became an international symbol of the fight for girls' education after she was shot in 2012 for opposing Taliban restrictions on female education in her home country of Pakistan.

Malala Yousafzai | United Nations

Ellie Simmonds was the second youngest (at 13) Paralympian in British history to win a medal of any colour when she competed at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

The fact that she went on to win two gold medals in her first Games and follows the simple philosophy "work hard and be yourself" won her the hearts of the British nation. Thanks to her success she also picked up the BBC's Young Sports Personality of the Year award in the same year.

In February 2009 she became the youngest person ever to be appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) and later that year won six gold and a silver medal at the IPC Swimming World Championships Short Course in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Born with achondroplasia (dwarfism), Simmonds followed up her 2008 and 2009 successes with four gold, one silver and one bronze medal at the 2010 IPC Swimming World Championships in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Marcus Rashford, England International footballer, has been an ambassador of FareShare since March 2020.

At the start of the coronavirus outbreak, and planning for the consequences of the pandemic on vulnerable communities, FareShare launched an urgent Covid-19 appeal calling for donations, food and volunteers. FareShare was preparing for an unprecedented crisis, and expectations soon became reality with demand for food almost doubling within one month of the lockdown.

Marcus Rashford soon heard FareShare’s call for support. FareShare’s work fighting hunger in the nation’s most vulnerable communities, especially our ActiveAte campaign helping vulnerable children at risk of hunger over the summer holidays, is aligned to Marcus’ personal mission. His own family relied on breakfast clubs, free school meals and at times, food banks. Raised by mum Melanie Maynard, who worked full time earning minimum wage, it was often not enough. As Marcus explains: “the system was not built for families like mine to succeed, regardless of how hard my mum worked.”

Greta Thunberg is an environmental activist. She was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2003. When she was eight, she started learning about climate change. The more she learned, the more baffled she became as to why so little was being done about it. At the age of 11, Greta became so sad about climate change that she temporarily stopped speaking! Greta has Asperger syndrome, a condition that affects how people socialise. But Greta views her condition as a positive, calling it her “superpower”! She says it helps her see the world in black and white, and that there are “no grey areas when it comes to climate change.” In August 2018, Greta decided to take action. Instead of going to school, she made a large sign that read ‘SCHOOL STRIKE FOR CLIMATE’, and calmly sat down outside the Swedish parliament. Her aim? To make politicians take notice and act to stop global warming.  Greta was inspired by teenage activists in Florida, USA, who were protesting to end gun violence. Read more about the School Strike for Climate protests that Greta inspired! Greta’s strike was picked up by the Swedish media, and the word started to spread. Soon enough, tens of thousands of students from around the world joined her #FridaysforFuture strikes – skipping school on Fridays to protest against climate change.


cultural capital

We aim to provide pupils with the following opportunities during their time with us in order to offer them experiences and opportunities that help them progress and achieve success.





Rites of Passage


Night Away

Coastal Trip

Animal/Farm Park


Art Gallery


Places of worship




Elite level sport opportunity


Music Festival

Lit Festival

Science Festival

Go to a concert-Young Voices

Food, languages, stories, festivals in our community


Peace Groups- Malala, Thunberg, Simmonds, Rashford, Fletcher



Beatrix Potter



Play an instrument




Our children have high levels of self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-confidence. 

They show a strong respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process. 

They are accepting of responsibility for their own behaviour through the use of our behaviour system. 

They show an immense respect for their own and other cultures 

A strong understanding of how living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety. 

An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour 

An understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.